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SHSA Parent Information

Reach Alert Registration Instructions

Sacred Heart Schools uses the REACH Alert system to reach all families regarding weather and other school-related events requiring rapid communication. Sacred Heart will send a “TEST” Reach Alert message at 3:00 PM today. If you do not receive the test message, please follow the instructions below to create or link your account. Each household can register as many phone numbers and email addresses as necessary.


  1. Go to www.reachalert.com and click Signup (upper right corner). 
  2. When prompted for the network you wish to join, type Sacred Heart; click on your specific school name when it appears in the dropdown list.
  3. Follow the prompts and enter your preferred contact information.
  4. IF YOU WERE REGISTERED FOR REACH Alert for a previous or different school, GO TO WWW.REACHALERT.COM AND CLICK ON LOGIN.  Use the phone number and password associated with your account. Once in your old account, click JOIN NETWORK on your dashboard page's right side and type in Sacred Heart. Select the school you wish to join.
  5. If you INITIALLY opt to receive text alerts or emails, Reach Alert will send a confirmation message to your cell phone AND/OR EMAIL immediately upon successfully completing your registr
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